cBrain noterer en solid interesse for den danske F2-model i Washington. På den baggrund har cBrain valgt at styrke sin satsning i USA og har ansat Greg Godbout.
Greg kommer fra en stilling som direktør i 18F og som CTO i Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) i Washington. Greg indtræder i cBrains internationale team den 1 maj.
Greg tilfører cBrain indgående viden om den amerikanske centraladministration, og med ansættelsen har cBrain markant styrket sine muligheder for at komme ind på det amerikanske marked.
Greg kommer fra en stilling, hvor han, udlånt fra the White House, varetager opgaven som Chief Technology Officer (CTO) og U.S. Digital Services Lead i Environmental Protection Agency i Washington. Formelt kommer Greg fra en stilling som Executive Director og Co-Founder for 18F, der er en digital taskforce i den amerikanske centraladministrationen. Herudover er Greg Presidential Innovation Fellow, hvor han bl.a. har arbejdet som rådgiver for den amerikanske præsident.
cBrains internationale team har til opgave at udbrede og udvikle cBrains F2-produkt internationalt. Teamet omfatter bl.a. David Cotterill, som kom fra en stilling som Deputy Director i UK Cabinet Office, hvor han havde ansvar for UK Technology Strategies.
Greg vil have særlig fokus på USA, men Greg vil samtidig arbejde internationalt med henblik på at videreudvikle den danske F2-model for offentlig forvaltning på tværs af landegrænser. Greg bor i Washington og styrker cBrains internationale team, både med stor erfaring som topleder i den amerikanske centraladministration og med stor erfaring som entreprenør og softwarearkitekt.
About Greg Godbout
Greg comes from a position as the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and U.S. Digital Services Lead at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Formally the Executive Director and Co-Founder of 18F, a 2013 Presidential Innovation Fellow, and a Federal 100 and Fedscoop 50 award recipient.
Responsibilities at EPA included building an architecture, product management and digital services organisation, and to support for EPA Transformation, E-Enterprise initiative, eManifest program, White House Smart Cities initiative, and EPA digital services strategy. Greg has been responsible for team formation, business development, recruiting, strategy, and setting up 18F inside the Federal Government under the General Services Administration (GSA). This included developing lines of business and strategies focused on: improving Federal IT services, reuse of software platforms, procurement tools, open government, and client services.
The Presidential Innovation Fellows (PIF) program pairs top innovators from the private sector, non-profits, and academia with top innovators in government to collaborate during focused 6-13 month “tours of duty” to develop solutions that can save lives, savetaxpayer money, and fuel job creation. Greg led the team of PIFs and other Federal Government innovators that founded 18F inside the GSA. In addition, Greg's team worked on Innovative Contracting Tools such as RFP-EZ Marketplace, FBOpen, Schedule 70b (Agile Delivery BPA) and Prices Paid - Making it easier for the government to do business with small, high-growth tech companies, and enabling the government to buy better, lower-cost tech solutions from the full range of American businesses.